STYLE DESIGN's expertise focuses on building confidence in and empowering the executive to establish their authentic visual brand in the workplace. It is our mission to develop a refined, coordinated wardrobe that maximizes your executive presence. 

  • Complete assessment of existing work wardrobe
  • Edit and classify (Discard, donate, alter, update)
  • Determine fit and workplace wardrobe guidelines
  • Develop workplace style: define color palette, identify go-to styles and silhouettes, and incorporate accessories to highlight your personal brand
  • Coordinate selections and complete looks for all workplace occasions 
  • Provide consult for hair, makeup, and foundations as needed
  • Coordinate looks for business trips, meetings, and conventions to make your travel wardrobe cohesive and efficient
  • The Style Guide: a priceless reference tool of complete wardrobe looks which makes your daily wardrobe decisions effortless. 

